Monday, September 27, 2010

EDLD 5363 Week 5

It was an enjoyable experience working with my group on this project. I personally think the final product is good enough to be an actual public service announcement that may appear on TV. Perhaps we could send it to Oprah :).

All of our communication occurred through email. We began by tossing around ideas for our PSA. We settled on texting while driving as a topic due to it being a timely issue and because there are lots of recent studies about it. From there things just fell together. Each of us had some ideas about what the PSA should look like, but Adam came up with the final concept. He did a great job putting his vision together with the footage recorded by Jackie. I had the task of recording the narration for the final shots.

The pre-production and production processes were key in creating a quality final product. Aside from a few minor changes, our PSA stayed true to the script and shot list. Jackie did a fantastic job of updating the pre-production document.

We decided to publish our PSA on YouTube, and we added a Creative Commons license. Aside from information sources that were clearly cited, no copyrighted materials were used in the production of this PSA.

I am sure there are some things we could tweak on our PSA, but I am very pleased with it. I feel like the sound quality of my narration could have been better had I had access to better recording equipment.

I think my team worked really well together. We all have families and jobs, but we did our best to stay in contact with one another during this project. I think we are typically the kind of people who like to take charge, so it was kind of weird letting others take the lead on certain aspects of the assignment. I would be happy to work with this team again in the future.

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